My Song with Your Words #9
The N’s Alphabet Chart
Aiueo; あいうえお the five first hiragana characters. /jp
Bingo; ビンゴ
Cika *(shika); 鹿 deer /jp
Daruma; Dharma だるま /Sanskrit
Eruka (iruka); イルカ whale /jp
Fune; ふね boat, ship /jp
Goma; ごま sesame /jp
Hima; ひま to have nothing to do /jp
Indonesia; インドネシア
JiJi; ジジ
Karasu; カラス crow /jp
Lakuda (rakuda); ラクダ camel /jp
Mattie (macchi); マッチ match
Noara (nohara); 野原 field /jp
Onigiri; おにぎりrice ball /jp
Paseri; パセリ parsley /jp
Qui (kyuri?); きゅうりcucumber /jp
Rapppal (rappa); ラッパ trumpet /jp
SoDa (soda); ソーダ soda
Taiko; たいこ drum /jp
Usi (ushi); 牛 cow /jp
Vuta (buta); 豚 pig /jp
Waln (wain); ワイン wine
Xman; X-Men
Yakyu; 野球 baseball /jp
Zorori; ゾロリ a character in a Japanese children’s comic book series /jp
* ( ) is the common romanized Japanese words