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2023年の春、京都堀川で、『Our Words, Our Songs』 と題してワークショップと展覧会を開催しました。かなもりゆうこさんの郵便物の作品、草本利枝さんのいろんな土地の写真とともに、ことばと詩にまつわる展示です。人の言葉に耳を傾け、他の人の言葉をつなげて別の物語を作っていくと言語の壁を飛び越えたような気持ちになりました。
Our Words, Our Songs was born out of the collaborative ABC Mail Project created by Kano Ikegami, artist Yuko Kanamori, and photographer Toshie Kusamoto. On a postcard, participants wrote down words for each letter of the alphabet and sent it back to us via snail mail. Kano takes the words from an individual’s postcard and weaves them together in the form of a poem. Come join us as we use the words of others to compose a song – and create a polyphonic body of work.
postcard: Yuko Kanamori
photo: Toshie Kusamoto


